Master of Science in
Artificial Intelligence
Programme Description
The M.Sc. programme in Artificial Intelligence - taught in English - offers to the enrolled students in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge on:
- artificial intelligence and intelligent applications;
- distributed problem solving;
- games and strategies;
- intelligent agents and their applications;
- social networks, search and filtering of information on the Web;
- data mining, innovative ways to represent and use data;
- natural language processing
Careers for M.Sc. graduates in
- game development, robots, autonomous vehicles, search engines (natural language processing), ambient intelligence, Computer vision, Face recognition, "smart cities", "smart" weapons
Programme Structure and Content
ECTS: 120, Duration: 4 semesters
Type: Research
The degree requirements for students in the Artificial Intelligence programme consist of core courses, options, and supervised research culminating in a Master Thesis. The Master's Degree Programme is designed to be completed in 4 semesters, with the last semester dedicated mainly to research and the fulfillment of the Master Thesis.
Sem I
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Type systems and functional programming
- Data Mining
- Computer vision or one elective of the other programmes
Sem II
Sem IV
- Research activities and development of Master Thesis

- Research activities
EU funded programme “Support for a successful career in AI”
Cooperation with Serious Games Institute
Research assistantships in AI-MAS Lab
Scholarships in 7 EU universities: UPMC, ENPSE, Utrecht Univ., PolytechMontpellier, Univ. Catalunya,
PolytechNantes, Turku Univ.
- Internships in companies:
Digital Optics Corporation
Gemini Solutions - AI-MAS Winter Olympics competition
Example of research topics
Teaching Nao the robot · Multi-strategy games · Negotiation strategies for e-commerce · Swarm based systems
Norm emergence in agent systems · Trust and reputation in virtual communities · Face recognition in crowds
Semantic query and annotation of images · Ambient control through sensors and cameras
Knowledge acquisition from discussions forums · Intelligent system for polyphonic music composition
Machine learning algorithms for image detection · Algorithms to control UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) · Swarm of hybrid robots
Entry Requirements
Applicants should hold a Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Systems Engineering, Informatics, Mathematics or related areas. Applicants are required to pass an admission examination. More details on entry requirements are to be found here and here.
Foreign student applications will be considered based on the curriculum content of their Bachelor Degree and academic performance.
Programme director
Prof. Adina Magda Florea
University Politehnica of BucharestFaculty of Automatic Control and Computers
AI-MAS Laboratory
For any administrative issues and queries, please go to:
Master Studies | ACS -- For details on the admission process;
Master of Science Studies | ACS -- For further details on the master programme;
Contact Us | ACS -- For details on contacts that can answer your questions regarding the admission process (section: M.Sc. Admission).