Human Robot Localization in a knwon environment
Students: 1
Having a map of the environment, design and implement an alogorithm that allows Nao to locate itself in the environment.
Human Recognition using data from different sensors
Students: 1
Implement an algorithm that uses both video and audio data to learn and recognize people.
Two-Robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in an unknown environment
Students: 2
Implement a collaborative algorithm for distributed simultaneous localization and mapping in an unknwon environment for two humanoid robots.
Obstacle Climbing
Students: 1
Make Nao climb medium-size obstacles.
Human Robot Accurate Navigation in an unknwon environment (return to initial point)
Students: 1
The task is to implement an algorithm that corrects the noise of movement through an environment.
Two-Robot Coordination to Perform a Simple Task
Students: 1
Implement a mechanism for two-robot coordination while performing a simple task. The proposed task is carrying medium size, medium weight objects.
Humanoid Robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in an unknown environment
Students: 2
In this project two algorithms for the SLAM in an unknown indoor environment for the humanoid robot Nao will be implemented and compared. One of the algorithms must be selected from the current state-of-the-art, and the second one will be designed by the student (it may be an improved version of an existing one). No other sensors than the ones Nao is equiped with can be used. The algorithm must work in real-time in a 4x4 s.m. indoor space.
November 2013
- get familiar with the development environment: Nao SDK, git
- read some starting materials on: Bayesian Networks, Markov models, particle filters
December 2013 - January 2014
- implement and test sensor data acquisition: IR, sonars, etc. (team work)
- build the labyrinth (team work)
- study two or three algorithms from the current state-of-the-art
- write the introduction chapter for the thesis
February 2014 - March 2014
- implement and evaluate the first algorithm for the given problem
- implement a small GUI to represent the learnt map (team work)
- prepare a paper for the Student Scientific Communication Session
April 2014 - May 2014
- design, implement and evaluate your algorithm
Mobile Target Tracking Algorithm for the Humanoid Robot Nao
Students: 1
Design and implement an algorithm for mobile target tracking. The challenge is to make Nao move towards / follow the moving target.