Within the ROBIN project, 96 scientific articles / publications were published which were divided into:
- 29 articles published in ISI indexed journals,
- 3 articles published in BDI indexed journals,
- 63 articles published in national and international conferences,
- 1 book and 1 book chapter.
- Varga Mihai et al., Deadline scheduling algorithm for sustainable computing in Hadoop environment, Computers and Security, 2018.
- Esposito Christian et al., Event-based sensor data exchange and fusion in the Internet of Things environments, JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, 2018.
- Oncioiu Raluca et al., Energy-efficient Virtual Machine Replication in Fault Toler-ant Datacenters, SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY, 2018.
- Pauna Adrian et al., On the rewards of Self Adaptive IoT Honeypots, ANNALES DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS-ANNALS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 2018.
- Stan Roxana Gabriela et al., Cloudwave: Content gathering network with flying clouds, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019.
- Șușnea Ioan et al., Unobtrusive Monitoring the Daily Activity Routine of Elderly People Living Alone, with Low-Cost Binary Sensors, SENSORS, 2019.
- Ion-Dorinel Filip et al., Data Capsule: Representation of Heterogeneous Data in Cloud-Edge Computing, IEEE Access, 2019.
- Tudor Cioara et al., Exploiting data centres energy flexibility in smart cities: Business scenarios, INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2019.
- Bogdan Mocanu et al., Data fusion technique in SPIDER Peer-to-Peer networks in smart cities for security enhancements, INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2019.
- Dan Popa et al., Deep learning model for home automation and energy reduction in a smart home environment platform, Neural Computing and Applications, 2019.
- Radu Constantinescu et al., A new version of KSOR method with lower number of iterations and lower spectral radius, SOFT COMPUTING, 2019.
- Croitoru Ioana et al., Unsupervised Learning for Foreground Object Segmentation, International Journal of Computer Vision, 2019.
- Balan Oana et al., Fear Level Classification Based on Emotional Dimensions and Machine Learning Techniques, Sensors, 2019.
- Trăscău Mihai et al., Spatio-Temporal Features in Action Recognition Using 3D Skeletal Joints, Sensors, 2019.
- Hîrţan Liviu-Adrian et al., Blockchain-based reputation for intelligent transportation systems, Sensors, 2020.
- Catargiu George et al., Connected Bike-smart IoT-based Cycling Training Solution, MDPI Sensors, 2020.
- Cocîrlea Dragoş et al., Blockchain in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Electronics, 2020.
- Ghita Alexandra Stefania et al., The AMIRO Social Robotics Framework: Deployment and Evaluation on the Pepper Robot, Sensors, 2020.
- Leordeanu Marius et al., Driven by Vision: Learning Navigation by Visual Localization and Trajectory Prediction , Sensors, 2020.
- Stoica Anda et al., Intent Detection and Slot Filling with Capsule Net Architectures for a Romanian Home Assistant, Sensors, 2021.
- Nan Mihai et al., Comparison between Recurrent Networks and Temporal Convolutional Networks Approaches for Skeleton-based Action Recognition, Sensors, 2021.
- Ion Radu et al., A Dialog Manager for Micro-Worlds, Studies in Informatics and Control, 2020, in print.
- Avram Andrei-Marius et al., Towards a Romanian end-to-end automatic speech recognition based on deepspeech2, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, 2020, in print.
- Karoly Lengyel et al., Seismic Model Parameter Optimization for Building Structures, MDPI Sensors, 2020.
- H. Dulf Eva et al., An Efficient Design and Implementation of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Quaternion-Based Estimator, MDPI Mathematics, 2020, in print.
- Susnea Ioan et al., Agent-based Modeling and Simulation in the Research of Environmental Sustainability. A Bibliography, Sustainability, 2020, under evaluation.
- Haller Emanuela et al., Spacetime Graph Optimization for Video Object Segmentation, Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020, under evaluation.
- Robu Victor et al., Accurate and Robust 3D Scene Reconstruction with a Handheld Device by Multi-Frame Consensus, Sensors, 2020, under evaluation.
- Haller Emanuela et al., Iterative Knowledge Exchange Between Deep Learning and Space-Time Spectral Clustering for Unsupervised Segmentation in Videos, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021, under evaluation.
- Stan Ovidiu Petru et al., Design and Implement a 6DOF Anthropomorphic Robotic Structure, International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2019.
- Stan Ovidiu Petru et al., Remotely Operated Robot with Live Camera Feed, International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2019.
- Bucur Vlad et al., An analysis of the implementation of Kafka in high-frequency electronic trading environments, International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2020.
- A Bird’s-eye View of Language Processing Projects at Romanian Academy, Language Resources and Evaluation, 2018.
- Extracting Actions from Romanian Instructions for IoT Devices, Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing Romanian Language, 2018.
- Learning a Robust Society of Tracking Parts using Co-occurrence Constraints, European Conference on Computer Vision (A), 2018.
- Intelligent Autonomous Driving, System Theory, Control and Computing, 2018.
- Remotely Operated Robot with Live Camera Feed, International Conference on Cyber Systems on the fields of Aerospace, Robotics Manufacturing Systems Mechanical Engineering, Neurorehabilitation, Power Energy and Technology of Materials, 2018.
- NETIoT: A Versatile IoT Platform Integrating Sensors and Applications, Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), 2018.
- SafeUAV: Learning to estimate depth and safe landing areas for UAVs from synthetic data, European Conference on Computer Vision, 2018.
- Device to Device Collaboration for Mobile Clouds in Drop Computing, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), 2019.
- Decentralized Storage System for Edge Computing, 18th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), 2019.
- Activity Recognition for Ambient Assisted Living Using Off-the-shelf Motion Sensing Input Devices, 2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), 2019.
- Distributed Systems Education: from Traditional Models to New Paths of Learning, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Hardware and Software Architecture for Accelerating Hash Functions Based on SoC, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Faster and Scalable Parallel Processing Solution to Remove Visual Obstacles from Satellite Imagery, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Asymptotic Load Balancing Algorithm for Many Task Scheduling, International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless, 2019.
- Automated Scoring of Self-explanations Using Recurrent Neural Networks, European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 2019.
- Towards a Deep Speech Model for Romanian Language, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Image Style Transfer using Text Descriptions, RoCHI – International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2019.
- Towards Enabling Internet-Scale Context-as-a-Service: A Position Paper, The 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW’19), 2019.
- Towards Enabling Context-as-a-Service for Social Assistive Robotics, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Collecting and processing a self-driving dataset in the UPB campus, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- End-to-end models for self-driving cars on UPB campus roads, IEEE 15th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2019.
- A Flexible and Lightweight Agent Deployment Architecture, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Human Action Recognition for Social Robots, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Towards a Modular Framework for Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Integrated System for Efficiently Managing IoT Data from Robots, 18th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, 2019.
- Universal automotive motor test bench controller, IEEE ART 2019 – 4th Automotive Reliability and Test Workshop, 2020.
- Data Loss Prevention and Data Protection in Cloud Environments based on Authentication Tokens, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Control a 6DOF Anthropomorphic Robotic Structure with Computer Vision as MEMS Input, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2018.
- An analysis of the implementation of Kafka in high-frequency electronic trading environments, International Conference on the Artificial Intelligence in the fields of Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Biomechanics, Neurorehabilitation, Mechanical Engineering, Power Energy and Technology of Materials (ICMERA), 2019.
- The Impact of Data Challenges on Intent Detection and Slot Filling for the Home Assistant Scenario, IEEE 15th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2019.
- Keyword Spotting using Dynamic Time Warping and Convolutional Recurrent Networks, IEEE 15th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2019.
- Intelligent Control of an Aerodynamical System, IEEE 15th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2019.
- Adaptive Fractional Order Control Applied to a Multi-Rotor System, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Making Pepper Understand and Respond in Romanian, The 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS22), 2019.
- Evaluating the Wordnet and CoRoLa-based Word Embedding Vectors for Romanian as Resources in the Task of Microworlds Lexicon Expansion, The 10th Global WordNet Conference, 2019.
- MoNERo: a Biomedical Gold Standard Corpus for the Romanian Language, The 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task, 2019.
- Learning Navigation by Visual Localization and Trajectory Prediction, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020.
- Towards Automatic Annotation for Semantic Segmentation in Drone Videos, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020.
- The Relational Parts of Speech in Text Analysis for Definition Detection, for Romanian Language, Networking in Education and Research Conference (RoEduNet), 2019.
- Deadline-aware Scheduling in Cloud-Fog-Edge Systems, 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID), 2020.
- A Platform to Promote a More Active Lifestyle Between Students, 16th eLearning & Software for Education Conference (eLSE), 2020.
- An E-Learning Platform that Supports Personalized Learning and Multimodal Interactions, 14th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), 2020.
- Escape from Dungeon – Modelling User Intentions with Natural Language Processing Techniques, 5th Int. Conf. on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (SLERD), 2020.
- Autoscaled RabbitMQ Kubernetes Cluster on single-board computers, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), 2020.
- The Impact of Romanian Diacritics on Intent Detection and Slot Filling, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), 2020.
- Using Cognitive Services within CPS/SCADA Systems Federations – Concepts, Research Areas and Challenges, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), 2020.
- Near real-time scheduling in cloud-edge platforms, 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2020.
- Shift R-CNN: Deep Monocular 3D Object Detection with Closed-Form Geometric Constraints, International Conference on Image Processing (ICPR), 2020.
- Semantics through Time: Semi-supervised Segmentation of Aerial Videos with Iterative Label Propagation, Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2020.
- A 3D Convolutional Approach to Spectral Object Segmentation in Space and Time, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2020.
- A Processing Platform Relating Data and Tools for Romanian Language, 1st International Workshop on Language Technology Platforms (IWLTP), 2020.
- TermEval 2020: RACAI’s automatic term extraction system, 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology, 2020.
- The European Language Technology Landscape in 2020: Language-Centric and Human-Centric AI for Cross-Cultural Communication in Multilingual Europe, 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2020.
- RASA Conversational Agent in Romanian for Predefined Microworlds, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (RoCHI), 2020.
- Conversational Agent in Romanian for Storing User Information in a Knowledge Graph, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (RoCHI), 2020.
- Comparing the Performance of Message Delivery Methods for Mobile Agents, 18th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2020.
- Analyzing the RFID Failure Impact on Availability of IoT Services, 26th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), 2020.
- Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Task Scene Understanding by Neural Graph, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence {Rank A+}, 2021.
- Blockchain privacy-preservation in intelligent transportation systems, International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), 2018.
- Blockchain privacy-preserving in healthcare, International Conference on Big Data Analytics (BDA), 2018.
- Blockchain-based approach for e-health data access management with privacy protection, International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD),2019.
- Semantically Enriching Embeddings of Highly Inflectable Verbs for Improving Intent Detection in a Romanian Home Assistant Scenario, International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA), 2021.
- A Modular Approach for Romanian-English Speech Translation, International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems, 2021.
- Imad Alex Awada et al., An Integrated System for Improved Assisted Living of Elderly People, H. Costin, B. Schuller, A.M. Florea (eds) Recent Advances in Intelligent Assistive Technologies: Paradigms and Applications, Intelligent Systems Reference Library Vol. 170, Springer, 2019.
- Marius Leordeanu, Unsupervised Learning in Space and Time: A Modern Approach for Computer Vision using Graph-based Techniques and Deep Neural Networks, Springer, 2020.
19 October 2020, Online
The third Workshop within the ROBIN project was organized exclusively online.
25-27 June 2020, Bucharest
Invited Paper: „Social and Assistive Robots Interacting with Humans” at the ECAI-2020 Conference (12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence)
20 February 2020, Bucharest
Visit of Mr. William D. Magwood IV, Director General of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) to the AIMAS laboratory.
30 January 2020, Bucharest
The ROBIN project was presented during “Nuits des Idées 2020”.
5-7 September 2019, Cluj-Napoca
Organizer: Adina Magda Florea (UPB) and Rodica Potolea (UTCN)| Link: http://www.iccp.ro/iccp2019/index.php/workshops.html
In conjunction with: 15th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP)
4-7 September 2019, Timisoara
Presentation of Professor Adina Magda Florea | Link: https://synasc.ro/2019/invited-speakers-2/adina-florea/
In: 21st International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing.
28-30 May 2019, Bucharest
Organizer: Florin Pop | Link: https://roboedge.hpc.pub.ro/
“International Workshop on Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Cloud/Edge Platforms, held” in conjunction with “the 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science”.
27-29 May 2019, Bucharest
The visit of Profesor Olivier Stasse to the AIMAS laboratory.
6-8 September 2018, Cluj-Napoca
Organizer: Florin Pop | Link: https://hipergrid.hpc.pub.ro/
In conjunction with: IEEE 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP)
19 March 2018, Bucharest
Visit of Profesor Oussama Khatib to the AIMAS laboratory.
- Promoting the project in the national media (you can view the reports using this link):
- A report broadcast by Antena 3 television station on June 4, 2018 during the show “În Premieră”.
- A report broadcast by the television station Digi 24 on June 16, 2018 during the show “Jurnalul de Științe”.
- A report broadcast by the Realitatea TV television station on October 13, 2018 during the show “Reportajele Realității”.
- Meeting 65 of the Bologna Follow-up Group (3-5 April 2019).
- Visits organized during the POLIFEST 2019 event (April 12-13, 2019).
- Various events organized at UPB on the occasion of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (1 January – 30 June 2019) such as the visit of the European rectors to UPB (7 May 2019) and the visit of the delegation of economic and industry 27 European countries at UPB (May 6, 2019).
- EEML2019 Summer School (July 1-6, 2019).
- Visits of high school students to the PRECIS research center (October 22, 2019 and December 17, 2019).
- Visit of ERMAT project members to the AIMAS laboratory (December 10, 2019).
- Meetings with representatives of CITST, Prime Motors, Terrasigna, Beia Consult International and All Business Management to discuss the potential for capitalizing on the research results obtained in the project.
- Promotion of the project within national and international associations: euRobotics in which UPB and UTCN are members, ARIA in which UPB, ICIA and UTCN are members.
În Premieră: Vin roboţii – Antena 3
Jurnalul de Științe – DIGI24
Reportajele Realității – Realitatea TV